
Tuesday 13 April 2021



What have I, that is mine.
What have I, that I fear losing it.
What have I, that I'd cherish it.
What have I, that makes me low.
What have I, that I can exercise authority on.

Nothing! Nothing at all.
For all I have is God's gift to me.
Even my very life belongs to Him.
Nothing belongs to me.

Anything that can happen to me cannot happen unless God gives the permission.

Then the question would Arise, why problems, why failure, why persecution etc.

God allows all these, to see if we really have faith in Him and trust Him in all circumstances.

No matter how little we Love Him, His Love for us will always remain the same.

Then what should I do?
I need to believe in God's promise that all things work together for good, He is still in control, He can do things impossible. I just need to surrender my life to Him and Live this Life totally for Him as His disciple.

Friday 26 February 2021



In times of trials,
When life on Earth seems impossible,
Just trust God and he will make it possible
But please don't quit.

When you think you are useless,
Shut your mind, and listen with open ears,
God has a plan for each of our lives
Therefore, hang on, don't quit.

When you prepare for an exam
And know you haven't done well in the past
Work hard and then peacefully rest
Be bold, don't quit.

When you start a race
And accidentally fall
Listen to your inner voice call
"Get up, run, don't quit.

When people harass you
When friends betray you
Remember the Lord is always there for you
Turn to him, don't quit.

When evils in the world increase
When darkness surrounds
Remember you can be the light around
Be an example, don't quit.

"Therefore, whatever the circumstances may be just don't quit."

Friday 19 February 2021



Encouragement is a special quality

Which should never be measured by quantity.

Many can discourage people

And hit their heart like that of a strong rifle,

But great are those who encourage

Each person they meet along life’s mileage.

Encouragement lifts up a person

Whose hit rock bottom due to a reason.

It puts in him a hope in life

When he goes through death like strife.

It is the power to reinforce a smile

On a face from where tear drops trickle.

You can encourage through words, actions, deeds

But remember you can discourage through the same of these.

Therefore be careful and take heed,

Lest the unexpected befall, I plead.

Take the Lord Jesus Christ as an example

And follow his ways that are simple.




इस सूनी सूनी जिंदगी में जो अंधेरे से भरी है।

खुदा तुम्हारे एहसास से मुझे रोशनी दिखती है।

और तुम्हारे साथ में, मैं अधूरी नहीं हूँ।

जब मैं दर्द में होती हूँ तब लगता है मुझे कोई नहीं समझेगा।

खुदा तुम्हारे एहसास से मुझे आशा की आवाज सुनाई देती है

और तुम्हारी आवाज़ से मुझे सुकून मिलता है।

कभी-कभी सब होते हुए भी लगता है कि जैसे मैं अकेली हूँ।

खुदा तुम्हारे एहसास से ही मैं जानी हूँ

कि एक पल भी मुझे तुमने अकेला नहीं छोड़ा।

जब जीवन का बोझ भारी लगता है जो मैं कभी उठा नहीं सकती।

खुदा तुम्हारे एहसास से मेरे मन में शांति आ जाती है क्योंकि मेरा बोझ तुम उठा लेते हो।

जो भी मुश्किल क्यों ना आयी हों।

जो भी खुशियां क्यों ना आयी हों।

जितने भी आंसू क्यों ना बहाए हों।

तुम साथ हमेशा मेरे हर वक़्त रहते हो।

बस तुम्हारे एहसास में जीने के लिए, तुम मुझे कुछ सिखाओ ना खुदा।

Friday 3 February 2017



When your dreams are shattered
When your aspirations hit the ground
When it seems like darkness surrounds
There you feel the sorrow of your heart.

With a broken heart
Trying to mask your face with a smile
Nobody see's the pain you've gone through awhile
You try doing things as if nothing happened.

Tears roll down your gentle face
As sorrows try to overwhelm you
Seeking for someone to encourage you
Your Heart lies low within.

Have you felt no one understands you?
Your heart is burdened with so many emotions
You fail to comprehend the transformations
And pray for wisdom all the way.

I hear a voice saying something to me
"Cast all Your burdens onto me" it says 
I wonder who it is and why
"I'm your Loving Father and I care for you" says the voice.

Oh my heart begins to rejoice
For the comfort of my Father I heard
Where once the depressing thoughts lured
And now I'm set free by His grace.

He has turned my mourning into dancing
My sorrows to Joy He did convert.
Thank you Father for your immense love for me.

Wednesday 25 January 2017



"Even if my Father and Mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close" - Psalm 27:10

The pain of being forsaken
is something unbearable.
Many children have been forsaken
when parents think children are intolerable.

Nobody controls these children lives
except the little conscious in themselves.
Most of them ruin their lives
due to the deep agony and frustration.

Jesus was forsaken on the cross
for three hours by His Heavenly Father.
It was because of the sins we committed
and He showed His true love like a brother.

His blood covered our sins
and renewed the relationship with God.
He rose again, lives and reigns
to show that He is God's Son.

- Always remember that everybody in this world may forsake you but Christ will not forsake you, for He knows the pain of it. Just trust in Him and He will be your best friend.

Tuesday 24 January 2017



There stands one beside me
In every circumstance.
All my burdens, He sets free
And fills me with His peace.

There is one who loves me
No greater love than His
How can I flee?
This wonderful love to miss.

Me, a sinner, His friend,
For me His blood He shed
Resurrected so as to bind
Me, forever to be His own.

In every difficult situation,
He is there; needed help to supply,
To me and to every nation
His love - He will multiply.

The question He asks,
"Are you ready to be my friend?"
For your answer He waits
Say "Yes" for His love never ends.